Friday, 1 February 2013

Obit Project

Semester 2 is here and kicking my butt again. Here's the first Project from Figure Illustration III.

We had to create an obituary portrait for one person from life, and then one of our choosing, fictional or not. Here I've drawn Patricia Van Tighem, a super rad lady who earned her bachelor's degree of nursing, raised four kids, and wrote a best-selling book, all after her face was mauled by a bear. I went a little more conceptual with this one, trying to make the point more about the bear haunting her throughout life, rather than about the wounds on her face.

The second portrait is of my roommate, who makes that face on a regular basis. Mostly I just wanted to have the opposite kind of mood from the other piece, hence the goofy cartoonish look here.

Issues with both of them as always, but I was still lazy from christmas, so I blame that. Moving on.

Just Some Practice

A digital painting I did when I had free time. Supposed to be Jon Snow, but he turned out a lot older than intended. Maybe a future version, then.

And here's a quick 15 minute acrylic painting of Sam Winchester. 

I need to scan my sketchbook more.

Princess Guillotine Comic

After a huge delay in posting, I present my final project in Figure Illustration II - The Princess Guillotine Comic!

Very fun, and incredibly draining. I slept my christmas break away because of this project. It's only 8 pages, plus cover and back, but I actually sketched out about 18. It's something I'd like to revisit in the summer for sure. There's a lot of issues I have with this, but I feel like it's way better than my last comic, and at this point I'm willing to just call them things to learn from and do better next time.

I am just bummed out that I wasn't able to get the pages with the dragon finished for final crit, I was excited about that.

Also, Waldo is in there, I hope no one sues me.

Info Illustration Final

Been awhile since I updated, but with the third year portfolio show coming up, I figure it's time to get back on track with this.

Here's the Final Project for Information Illustration, which I both loved and hated doing. The idea was to make a diorama-like poster with information about an environment and the things that live there. Since this was my last project of this class, I wanted to have some fun with it and draw something relevant to my interests, so instead of doing the desert or the amazon, I decided to paint the Mines of Moria from Lord of the Rings.

I'd never straight up digitally painted an environment, so this was kind of an experiment there. I was kind of going for a concept-art look. Kind of works in some areas, others maybe not so much. The creatures were drawn and scanned first, except for the Balrog, though if I had time, I'd redo him. This also needs way more goblins and skeletons.